Young people and vulnerable adults should be supervised at all times in the changing rooms by their parents/carers. Students over the age of 18 must not change or shower at the same time using the same facilities as young people and vulnerable adults. Separate facilities for males and females must be made available. If young people or vulnerable adults do not want to change or shower in public no pressure should be placed upon them to do so. They should be encouraged to do this at home.
Photographic equipment must not be used in the changing room environment, including cameras and mobile phones with photographic and/or video capabilities.
Any concerns must be reported to the Designated Safeguarding Officer. Click here for contact numbers.
The club will seek medical consents at the point of joining the club. it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure this information is kept up to date and the Instructor is informed of any changes in medical info immediately.
In the event that first aid is needed the medical consent form will be reviewed and acted in accordance of consent. In all situations parent/carers will be contacted and informed.
When administering treatment, all treatment procedures must be carefully explained fully to the young person and verbal consent is given before they are carried out. (where appropriate) There must be two responsible adults, including a firrst aider and where possible the door remains open. Parents/carers are invited to observe treatment procedures, if they are present.
No treatment will be given in an area which is potentially embarrassing to a young person/vulnerable adult, unless a parent/carer is present. Where it is felt appropriate emergency services will be called and parents/carers notifed.
Medical confidentiality and patient dignity will be maintained at all times.
The following should be avoided except in emergencies:
Avoid transporting young people and vulnerable adults in your car unless in a medical emergency and unless you have been DBS checked accordingly.
Avoid spending time alone with young people away from others.
If a parent is late to pick their child up, avoid alone time if possible with young people/vulnerable adults. Ask another adult to stay until the parent arrives.