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Occasionally we may take photos or videos of the children taking part in lessons, seminars or competitions. We may use these images to promote the club either in printed brochures, as well as online and on social media.


On the first lesson parents are given a form seeking contact details as well as a parent safeguarding form. On this form you are asked for permissions to use your child's image. You have total control over where your child's image is displayed. You can change these permissions at any time by simply letting your Instructor know and filling in a new form. 




  1. We will not identity a child by his/her full name or put any personal details on any photograph that we publish online.

  2. We may use group photographs or footage with very general labels, such as “great training session.”



We do allow parents/carers to take photographs at gradings and competitions but ONLY of their own children. No other children or adults are or allowed to be in the photograph, even in the background. Parents/carers must also seek permission before taking photos with the organiser on the day. It may be best to wait until the end of the event so these guidelines can be adhered to. 


  • Parents and spectators should be prepared to identify themselves if requested and state their purpose for photographing/filming.

  • Parents and spectators may be asked to sign a registration form.


If participants or parents have any concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography/filming they should be reported to the event organiser and recorded in the same manner as any other child protection concern.


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