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Please can all parents try their best to adhere to the following:-


  • Remember you are responsible for your child until the lesson starts and as soon as the lesson finishes.

  • Never leave your child at the venue. Wait until the lesson starts.

  • Always take your child into the venue and pick them up from inside the venue. Children should not be outside the venue unsupervised unless written permission has been given for them to walk home or meet their parents outside.

  • If your child needs to get changed before or after a training session you are responsible for overseeing this. This is not the responsibility of the Instructor.

  • Ensure you arrive 5 minutes early to pick your child/ren up. The instructor has a duty of care until you arrive. If an emergency arises and you cannot make it on time you must contact the instructor as soon as you can. Ensure you have their mobile number.

  • Ensure your contact details are up to date for your child. If your telephone number or contact information has changed recently please inform the Instructor immediately.

  • Parents are expected to show respect to all members regardless of age, gender, disability, race, gender reassignment, religion or sexual orientation.

  • Parents must not use foul language on the premises or in front of any young people or vulnerable adult. Parents doing this will be asked to leave.

  • Parents must not smoke in front of any member of the club. We promote healthy lifestyle.

  • If taking photographs of your child at training, grades or competitions, please ensure that no other person is on them, this includes being in the background. Photos with other children or adults on them should not be posted on social media without their permission. Please respect everyone's privacy whatever their age. If taking photos at events please seek the permission of the event organiser.

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