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Our Club, Chungdokwan Taekwondo is committed to providing the safest possible environment for the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and has a duty of care to safeguard and protect all participants from harm whilst promoting best practice. A child or young person is defined as anyone under the age of 18 years.

It is the responsibility of every adult in the club to be aware of child and adult multi agency safeguarding procedures, however, we have 4 Designated Safeguarding Officers to ensure our policies are thorough and adhered to. These are the people to contact if you have any concerns over child and vulnerable adult issues. Their names and contact details are below.


All of our Instructors and black belt adults are trained to have a duty of care to all students and to look for and protect children, young people and vulnerable adults in our club from abuse of any kind. The welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults are put first and our practises support, protect and aim to empower students to help keep themselves safe.


To ensure that policies are adhered to and that all concerns are addressed we have several Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSO). They are appointed to act as the first point of contact for any concerns or allegations and implement the reporting procedures. In our club the DSO's are:






Children Safeguarding Children Partnership (Durham)

Our Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is Sharon Lewis


Adult Safeguarding Board (Durham) 0800 5999 365

NSPCC 0808 800 5000


Childline UK 0800 1111


The Samaritans 08457 90 90 90




We aim to provide a safe and caring environment for all students to learn and grow. Our instructors understand that patience, support, understanding and encouragement are vital for students to thrive.


We also understand that the ability to communicate is more important than knowledge of the martial art.


All young people and vulnerable adults will be treated equally and protected from all forms of discrimination and abuse, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, ability and sexual orientation. All of our volunteer black belts are aware of the dangers of abuse and the forms it can take and what to do if they suspect abuse.



As Instructors we have a legal and moral duty of care to all students. We accept our legal duty of care is the following:


  1. Keeping up to date registers of every lesson

  2. Keeping up to date contact details

  3. Maintaining appropriate supervision ratios

  4. Maintaining up to date medical information

  5. Ensuring first aid is available at the venue.

  6. Ensuring all black belts volunteers and instructors have first aid training, insurance and DBS checks.


We accept our moral duty of care is:


  1. Having a child protection policy and adult safeguarding policy and educating our instructors regularly.

  2. Education and training.

  3. Provide access to advice and support.


Our club has a wide variety of policies, aimed towards providing the best possible care for our students. If you are interested here is a full list of our policies:

Anti-Bullying Policy

Code of Conduct

Changing Rooms Policy

Instructor/Member/Parent Code of Conduct

Parent Responsibilities

Social Media Policy

Image Consent

Transportation of children to trips/tournaments

Lovely to see family enjoying their mart

KATEY WALLACE 07901 650 796

Darlington, Frosterley, BARNARD CASTLE club


tony graham 07879 920324

frosterley club


helen overfield 07926 779864

barnard castle club


KAREN REHMAN 07988 805824

darlington club

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