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This policy is written to inform children and adults about how to stay safe online.


Anyone aged under 13 should not be using social networking sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or Twitter, and to do so would be breaking the sites’ rules and putting the user(s) at risk. Some sites require users to be older. If you are 13 years or older here are some things to think about to stay safe online.


  • Never post content that can upset or cause emotional damage to others.

  • Always use appropriate language, content and images.

  • Remember once you have posted online it can be seen by lots of people and can stay online forever. This is known as a digital footprint, it is a trail of information that people follow. These people may or may not know you.

  • Think twice before sharing any personal information about yourself that can be used against you.

  • Don't post anything that could be deemed offensive or hurtful to others. Would you be happy for your parents to see it? If not then don't post. Ask yourself whether your comment will reflect positively upon me, my team, my club. If the answer is no, don't post.

  • What you find a joke may cause offence to someone else. If this is the case, don't post.

  • Future employers, colleges and universities all use social media to check if you are suitable and a role model for their establishment. Posting unsuitable content or photos may affect your chances of getting where you want to be in life.

  • Once you have posted you can easily lose control of the content, even if you delete the post. People can share it, screenshot, or even change the information you have posted.

  • Think about how much you share. The more you share, the more people learn about you. This can be used in a negative way. Do you want acquaintances knowing your private thoughts and feelings and where you are? If not don't post. Speak to a friend instead.

  • Don't share information or photos of friends unless you have their permission. They might not want to be on social media. Be respectful of others people's privacy.

  • Show respect for others online, the same way you would in the Dojang.

  • Learn about and restrict your privacy settings. Only befriend people you actually know. It's better to have 100 real friends than 4000 strangers having access to your account.

  • Don't rely on social media as a way of communicating with your friends. It's better if possible to actually go and see them and chat.

  • Limit your time online, remember to go out and see your friends and actually hold a conversation. Online is definitely second best.

Useful links to staying safe online: 




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